Development of Japanese Acupuncture
Japanese acupuncture origins from the Classical Chinese Medicine, especially from the Han Dynasty period (200BC-200AD). At that time the Chinese Medicine was flourishing. In this period two great works appeared: Huang Di Nei Jing (Inner Classic of Chinese Medicine) and Nan Jing (Classic of Difficulties), which for centuries have set foundations and become inspiration for further development of the Chinese Medicine both herbal and acupuncture.
In these two books we can find information about the origins of a man, his connection with the environment, how to stay healthy and keep the inner balance, how diseases develop and how to treat them. Although these books are 2000 years old they are still applicable for today’s problems. It’s a different approach from the Western Medicine where theories have to be constantly updated.
In Japan, the medicine predominantly flourished in the Edo period (1602-1868). During that time the acupuncture was performed mostly by blind practitioners. That was different to the established Chinese style of acupuncture, and relied mostly on the body palpation, especially abdomen (Japanese Hara).
Master Nagano, who was a teacher of Kiiko Matsumoto, was a blind practitioner himself. He developed a very sophisticated system of body palpation and a delicate method of needling. Kiiko spent numerous years learning from him and became master herself. Although he was her prominent teacher, she also learnt from other masters eventually leading her to establish her own unique style – Kiiko Matsumoto Style (KMS).
Kiiko Matsumoto Style
Main focus of Kiiko Matsumoto acupuncture is a highly systematised method of palpation. Palpation is the ability to gain information through the touch and obtain feedback from a patient. This helps the practitioner to receive a reliable diagnostic information and the patient to become an active part of the process of diagnosis and treatment.
KMS addresses the patient’s health issues from several levels. It looks not only for healing symptoms but for deeper causes of patient’s complains. It can be for example wrong body structure, constitutional imbalances or even birth trauma. Addressing such deep causes of different diseases is the basis for more complete and lasting healing.
Kiiko continuously develops her style to achieve the maximum results when treating the patient. This living system of acupuncture reflects the changing needs of the time in which it is practised.
KMS acupuncture is a continuously developing system. Combining research in the ancient knowledge from classical texts, discoveries of modern human physiology, clinical practice and by visiting masters in Japan twice a year, Kiiko Matsumoto has designed a unique living system which reflects the changing needs of our time helping to achieve the maximum results and well-being of the patient.